Case Study


Matahari transitions itself entirely to an online model, after the impact of COVID-19 to serve its customers from their homes.

Matahari Background

Matahari Department Store began its journey as a children's fashion retail company on October 24, 1958, in Jakarta. It expanded its presence as a national fashion retailer in 1972 and started opening branches in various cities. To date, Matahari has successfully grown its business, with 158 branches operating across Indonesia.

As a result, job opportunities have opened up for approximately fifty thousand staff members to manage the daily operations of the stores. The vast array of products, totaling around two million SKUs, reflects Matahari's commitment to providing a comprehensive and varied shopping experience for its customers.

What was the brand looking for?

Usually, society's reliance on gadgets for various activities, supported by software advancements, makes it intriguing for us to delve deeper. Especially in the case of online transactions. Currently, the process of buying and selling online has become an inevitable habit for every millennial individual. The same goes for Matahari Department Store, which already has around 150 branches across Indonesia, and is also starting to adapt to this new habit. Especially with the onset of COVID-19 in early 2020, all activities were restricted only within the confines of the home.

Therefore, Matahari launched Shop&Talk as an online platform for customers to continue shopping from home. However, there are still some aspects of the Shop&Talk program that need to be perfected. Among them is the lack of systematic customer data recording. In this case, customers who transact through Shop&Talk have their data stored only at the individual agent level, whereas if the store level wants to broadcast information about promotions or updates related to Matahari, they have to compile the data. Furthermore, customers who come and go to the store cannot be converted into potential customers. Yet, in just one day on the weekend, a hundred to a thousand people are visiting the store.At the next level, problems arise again. This time it revolves around the control and monitoring from the Supervisor and Manager sides to the Agents in the field. Because basically, their workload is larger for monitoring offline store activities.

Therefore, tools are needed to help them be more efficient in monitoring online sales activities.Considering that Matahari's products can reach thousands of types in each branch, it is regrettable if customers cannot explore them due to media limitations. Currently, Agents at Matahari only use WhatsApp to showcase and share their products.

How did ShopKey contributed Matahari achieve goals?

ShopKey is here to address all of these needs. With ShopKey, all interactions and buying-selling activities can be well recorded. In addition, each Agent is equipped with a unique QR code that can be used and scanned by customers visiting the store.

Essentially, this is done so that Matahari can create a customer database and not lose their contacts.ShopKey brings a new concept, where thousands of users at Matahari will have their unique links to facilitate their daily activity monitoring processes. The top-down monitoring system is also not a problem for ShopKey. Because this application is developed to accommodate the needs of multi-user with a hierarchical system. Each level can have its own authority. In addition, the use of the Store Performance dashboard also supports functions and efficiency at the Supervisor and Manager levels.It can accommodate thousands of products in one application and display them on a website so that customers can freely search for product collections available in each Matahari branch. Not only that, do you still remember that there are thousands of users at Matahari? This relates to the product management process within the application. Due to the large number of users at Matahari, a Quality Control process is needed where uploaded products cannot be sold immediately, but must go through the approval of the Supervisor. So the products displayed are carefully selected.